Koa Sports

PRP Recovery for a CrossFit Athlete

CrossFit by definition is a strength and conditioning and training philosophy that helps people of any shape and size improve their cardiovascular fitness and physical well-being in a hardcore but accepting and uplifting environment.

CrossFit is not like any ordinary gym. There are not any weight machines, ellipticals or classes. They have an assigned workout every day for anyone who comes to Crossfit. This workout is applicable to all ages. Instead of having different programs for different age levels or abilities, they have one workout that is scalable based upon your ability.

What this means is, if today’s workout is doing squats with 150 pounds but you are only able to handle 50 pounds, that is what you will do. Eventually, as you get stronger, you will be able to accomplish the prescribed task.

With any physical activity, there is a chance for injury if you do too much, too fast and too often. It is really important to have a coach monitor your form and insure that you don’t go too far. But it happens. There are competitions in CrossFit, so naturally, there will be injuries as it can become super competitive.

A CrossFit athlete wants to not only be able to heal an injury, but do it in less time than an invasive surgery would normally allow. Enter Platelet-Rich-Plasma therapy to the CrossFit arena as an alternative to surgery and other invasive forms of treatment.

Stem cell treatments, along with Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP) therapy may be an option for knee, shoulder, elbow or back injuries. For example, treatment for a meniscus tear may be to implant your own stem cells, followed by PRP therapy.  Going this route for treatment means no invasive surgery, minimal recovery time, thus minimal lost training time for CrossFit competitors.

Platelet-Rich-Plasma therapy is a process that uses your own blood to treat injured areas of your body.  Blood is taken as it would be for bloodwork. Your blood is then placed in a centrifuge where it is spun at a very high rate, separating the platelets, red blood cells and white blood cells. The platelets are then combined with a coagulant and ready to be injected in the infected area. An Ultrasound will help direct the doctor where the injection needs to be placed. If the injured site is near the skin, a local anesthetic cannot be used as it interferes with the Platelet-Rich-Plasma therapy.

The advantages of using Platelet-Rich-Plasma therapy are many:

  • Non-invasive
  • Outpatient
  • Rebuilding your own tissue with your blood
  • Short Recovery Time
  • No side effects
  • Little Pain
  • Procedure takes about an hour

You may need more than one PRP treatment to find complete relief or healing. It is currently not covered by insurance so check with your physician about the costs associated with the treatment. The procedure should be done by a physician with extensive experience in performing PRP therapy.

Inquire about PRP treatment services Rockville, MD trusts as an alternative to invasive surgery with a long recovery time. This treatment is not a bandaid for the pain, but can actually regrow tissue where the injury occurred. PRP may also be a solution to osteoarthritis in the knee, shoulder, elbow or lower back. For CrossFit enthusiasts or competitors it is a viable option when it is importance to get back to training or competition after an injury in the shortest period of time.

Thank you to our contributors at the Pain Arthritis Relief Center for information about PRP treatment.

Koa Sports