Koa Sports

Goalie Appreciation

It is all about

the Goalies!

This week kicked off our spring goalie clinic! The purpose of the clinic is to give goalies the opportunity to get the attention they need to better their own skills and to benefit the team they are a part of! Sometimes our goalies get left out at practice, but not at this clinic!

Our experienced coaches had a full plan for them for the evening. Let us dive in to what it is like at a goalie practice!

First the players started with a good dynamic warm-up and stretching. Next, they went through ladders warming up their legs in their lower kickers.

Following, the goalies kicked a ball with a partner working on their form and accuracy of their kicks to their partner.

After all the warm-up drills, the coaches demonstrated and discussed dives! The players started on each side of the cage facing the side, the coach yelled go and sent a ball across the cage as the goalie executed a dive and save properly! The coaches critiqued them and gave the players key points on how to safely dive in front of a ball.

Finally everyone played “Kill the Keeper”. Everyone who was not in cage was involved in scoring on the keeper in goal! The goalie in the cage had to stop the balls and try to clear them out so that none of the other goalies could kick it back to them.

Overall the first practice was definitely a success and I hope all the goalies had a great time!


Picture of the Week!

Our 4th – 5th grade players scrimmaging on a cold and windy day at Rec League this past Sunday!

Koa Sports