Koa Sports

Flag Football Playoff – Recap

Koa Flag Football Families & Friends,

The Fall 2018 season has come to a close. I first want to thank everyone for choosing Koa Flag Football this Fall.  The entire Koa staff enjoyed coaching and working with all of your kids each and every weekend.

The playoffs were a wild and action-packed two days. These playoffs had everything from double overtime thrillers to late game comebacks.

So let’s look at the champions of the Saturday league:

2/3rd Grade Champions: So What Else








4/5th Grade Champions: The Chargers








6th Grade Champions: The Honey Badgers








7/8th Grade Champions: The Giants








Next up, the winners of the Sunday league:

2/3rd Grade Champions: The Hurricanes










4/5th Grade Champions: The Nittany Lions









6th Grade Champions: The Thunder








7/8th Grade Champions: The Rockets








High School Champions: Eskepa








Once again, I am happy you chose Koa Flag Football again this Fall and hope to see you for Spring Flag Football!


Koa Sports