Koa Sports

PCA ToolKit

Koa means strength in Hawaiian.
We challenge our athletes to find their Inner Koa™.
Our coaches develop athletes and build character for life.

Koa coaches are athletes with high sports IQs. That’s the baseline. However, we also go the extra mile in partnership with the Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) to strengthen mindsets (and not just muscle groups). We train fair and balanced coaches who fill “eTanks,” support the ELM Tree of Mastery™, and honor the game (through ROOTS™).
Sports should provide many life lessons that follow our young athletes after Koa Sports. If we’re doing our job properly, then this is a massive value added beyond the time and energy that we commit each week to youth coaching. The results will prove to be priceless.
Download our Positive Coaching Alliance ToolKit.