Koa Sports

Play-Well TEKnologies

2016 Play-Well TEKnologies Camp

Koa Sports is excited to bring back Play-Well TEKnologies to our location at The Woods Academy for two weeks this coming summer! Play-Well TEKnologies focuses on teaching kids engineering using LEGO blocks and other awesome materials. Play-Well camps are broken down into half day segments based on age groups. Your child is guaranteed to have an amazing time with these awesome options. Be sure to check out the all new Mine, Craft Build week!

Program Descriptions

Session 1: August 1 - August 5     9:00am - 11:30am
Ages: 5 - 7 years old
Mine, Craft, Build: Adventure Game

Bring Minecraft to life using LEGO! Resourcefulness, creativity, and cooperation come together in this unique building adventure game; roll the dice to mine for resources, and use these resources to build special items to help in our adventures! Build a Zoo, create a Medieval Castle, and design a Tree House Village! This LEGO experience is an original game designed by Play-Well instructors inspired by the popular game, Minecraft. Students will have a blast, even without any prior experience with Minecraft or LEGO.​​
Cost: $225

Session 2: August 1 - August 5      12:30pm - 3:00pm
Ages: 8 - 12 years old

Engineering FUNdamentals

Power up your engineering skills with Play-Well TEKnologies and tens of thousands of LEGO®!  Apply real-world concepts in physics, engineering, and architecture through engineer-designed projects such as arch bridges, skyscrapers, motorized cars, and the Battletrack! Design and build as never before, and explore your craziest ideas in a supportive environment. An experienced instructor will challenge new and returning students to engineer at the next level.​​
Cost: $225

Koa Sports League -- Shaping Kids' Lives Through Sports